Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 20 : Characters

Marnie I hate you for this LOL:) (I'm jk hehe) This was definitely difficult .. for me at least haha

I had such a hard time that I asked my oldest son who he would think I would resemble. And here's the best part.. he sits there for a few seconds and says .. well kind of a lot because you have so many personalities. Great thanks son:) haha

I kinda changed my thought on this week. Maybe because I looked at characters and I don't know I guess who I am. I know who I want to be so that's where I took this. What I want from my life so I hope no one minds that I took a different direction.

So well my first thought was .. ready for it?? =)

Okay the picture isn't the best of his image but if you all haven't seen Hoodwinked you definitely need to!! He's frickin hilarious. And he's just so upbeat and excited. I swear I can't get enough of those movies with him. He's the best!

Then my next thought was King Julian =)

So my reasoning behind this. And again apparently I watch too many kids movie but their hilarious. And it could be because I have children too. lol.

But I think of him because he's funny a one, and loves himself so much. It's like All about him. I'm not saying I want everything to necessarily be about me, but just that I would love myself that way. I would love to think like that .. to believe in myself in that way.

My last guy (funny how their all guys .. hmm.. weird) But it's:


When I was growing up I watch Anastasia, and I absolutely fell in love with him. I really wanted to get a tattoo of him, but figured the white would fade way too fast that it was a waste of money. But he was just funny to me. Specially that part that he says 'kick her sir'. Kinda think of it as there is a something inside of me that's strong enough to go against anything, being strong.

So that's my characters. Idk any that exactly portray myself but it's the type of person I'm hoping that I can be. Funny, exciting, happy, and most of all strong to kick ed to the curb.

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